Friday, August 30, 2013

"Barking Up the Wrong Tree" Story Development

Elevator Pitch

A humorous short about a dog that barks viciously and enthusiastically at a tree in attempt to catch a cat that has run up the tree, only to find he is barking at the wrong tree.

Look & Feel

Dark Mood

As though this is how menacing the dog imagines he is.
Claustrophobic, close cameras, harsh lighting, sharp light falloff, limited color palette, angular forms. 

Sunny Mood

Bright, diffuse, morning look. Colors are closer to "realistic".


Open with title card.
Fade, show only black for several seconds.
Suddenly, close up of dog barking
Close shots of "menacing" features: teeth, scowl, posture, etc. 
Perhaps a bark in pitched-down slow-motion.
Continue for roughly half of the short (15s)

Cue (perhaps audio?)

Dog stops abruptly, perks ears. Turns sideways, so you can see his face over his shoulder
He looks almost derpy, tongue lolling. His head darts, "searching".

Dog's POV shot of cat in a different tree
Same As shot of dog, blank stare
Wide shot showing mostly the scene, both trees in frame, separated by the sidewalk up the center of the lawn, animals looking at each other.

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